Spa Spa Oasis

Merari J. Velez - Assignment 3: PHP GET and POST Submit Form

Please rank Spa Oasis' services for each service you have experienced and for each of the categories listed below.

Your input will help us improve our service to you.

Full name:


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1. Booking my appointment was quick and simple.
2. My appointment started on time.
3. My service provider was friendly and knowledgeable.
4. My service provider made me feel comfortable.
5. The price I paid for this service was reasonable.
6. I would recommend this service to others.

1. Booking my appointment was quick and simple.
2. My appointment started on time.
3. My service provider was friendly and knowledgeable.
4. My service provider made me feel comfortable.
5. The price I paid for this service was reasonable.
6. I would recommend this service to others.

1. Booking my appointment was quick and simple.
2. My appointment started on time.
3. My service provider was friendly and knowledgeable.
4. My service provider made me feel comfortable.
5. The price I paid for this service was reasonable.
6. I would recommend this service to others.

1. Booking my appointment was quick and simple.
2. My appointment started on time.
3. My service provider was friendly and knowledgeable.
4. My service provider made me feel comfortable.
5. The price I paid for this service was reasonable.
6. I would recommend this service to others.

Aroma Therapy
Aroma Therapy
1. Booking my appointment was quick and simple.
2. My appointment started on time.
3. My service provider was friendly and knowledgeable.
4. My service provider made me feel comfortable.
5. The price I paid for this service was reasonable.
6. I would recommend this service to others.

Help us improve our service by sharing your
thoughts and suggestions below: